Tag: slider

  • Astrology in the time of Corona

    Astrology in the time of Corona

    “Astrology is basically the study of time. Unfortunately human mind has very limited abilities of understanding time. A human soul, confined inside the borders set by frightened ego, intuitively feels a lot but practically does little. Ego wants to be big and gives himself importance by stressing his social position, his belongings and time in which he thinks he lives. But we are just all fragments in the great mystery of time. Our lives are not the end nor the beginning, maybe just a bridge between unknown in this fast moving space.”

    It was 2000, full 20 years ago, and the World has just barely survived the ’90s, at least what was known as the Eastern Block. Soviet Union fell apart at the start of the previous decade, Czechs and Slovaks parted peacefully, Poland embraced democracy, so did Hungary and Bulgaria, people of Romania forced their dictator on the street and shot him without much of discussion, Yugoslavia took full decade of killings with the finale stage in Kosovo war in spring of 1999 to crumble. Even Albania opened itself to the new times after decades of living in fear of invasion surrounded by numerous concrete bunkers. East Germany united with West and North Yemen with South. Rwanda became famous for its genocide in 1994. Not many people could find it on the map before this tragic event.

    Finally came the new decade with global consensus that West has won and democracy and capitalism are appropriate directions for humanity. Astrologers were full time generals after the battle on how the transits of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn from late ’80s to early ’90s signified natural destruction of rigid communist system. Jupiter did its part with opposition from Cancer from summer of 1989 to summer 1990. With Solar/Lunar Eclipses happening on the axis Cancer/Capricorn from summer of 1990 till late 1992. It was an eventful decade which changed the world for good and nothing is the same since. The worst has passed…but someone forgot about the Pluto who was relatively innocent bystander from Scorpio in beneficial sextile with all the stressful Capricorn transits.

    It was beginning of May 2000 and I was a student who went on a random evening astrology lecture. Online astrology was still pretty young and books were still primary source of information. Good lectures in my town were almost endemic. This was one of them and the subject was rare conjunction of seven celestial bodies from Sun to Saturn in Taurus. What does it mean? Is it sign of something new and historical? The lecturer was highly intelligent astrologer who gave us an insight in the current situation in the sky. From early degrees of Taurus with Mercury and Venus through middle part with Sun, Moon and Jupiter till the end with Saturn and Mars who was just leaving for Gemini. He included group of fixed stars of Pleiades in the last degree of the sign. All of them in square with either Uranus or Neptune from Aquarius. Almost everybody was involved. Pluto again stood aside with not so supportive minor inconjunction (150 degree angle) from Sagittarius. Oh yes, and there was upcoming, once in 20 years, conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 28th May. What does it mean? I ask myself, did anybody look so far ahead and had a mental and intuitive power to see.

    Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in signs of the same element for a mean period of a bit less than 200 years at a stretch, typically with some overlap at the beginning and end of the cycle. For example, the current cycle of conjunctions in the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) was initiated on January 26, 1842 and concludes on May 28, 2000. This cycle was interrupted by the December 31, 1980 – July 24, 1981 triple conjunction in Libra.

    Quoted from astropro.com

    Dot-com Bubble burst in March that year ending unrealistic growth of first Internet companies, Vladimir Putin became a president of Russia for the first time on the May 7th, first draft of Human Genome Project (which started in 1990) was ready by the end of the June. There are numerous local or global events around that time but three mentioned seem most interesting for current situation. Because we are again at the end of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle which started almost 20 years ago and endings are often more eventful than shy humble beginnings from numerous new seeds. Test of time shows us the strongest or the most important ideas of a cycle.

    “In September 1981, the Internet Engineering Task Force published RFC 791. The RFC document formally defined IPv4, the fundamental communications protocol used by most of the modern Internet.” – just at the beginning of Jupiter/Saturn in Libra, at the middle of the cycle in 1991 we have introduction od World Wide Web and at the end we have the Dot-com bubble burst. Libra is always connected with connecting. It is not connected primary with technology or engineering but one of the ideas of this cycle was relating through new technology. In the and something was saturated. In this case end was in Taurus – sign connected with money. Saturation was with unrealistic value which dropped by 3/4 from its inflated peaks.

    While this was happening a new idea of decoding a nature’s secret through genetic science was occupying the media of that time. We were ready to solve everything with knowledge of the DNA. Science sequenced human genom and after that reparation and modification could start. The ones who remember can recall the memories from early 2000’s and passionate conflicts between progress of science and spiritual and natural consequences this will have on people and Mother Earth. Europa and Russia legally opposed genetically modified food, China and US didn’t. Among many others.
    “The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus in 2000 marked the last one in the earth signs which started in January 1842. It was a time of immense industrial and technological progress with very little regards toward Mother Earth. Social evolution was based on extreme usage of natural resources. We all now realise it was too much but it looks like nobody knew how to stop.”

    2020 is the year when this cycle ends, Jupiter and Saturn will form the new conjunction on December 21st 2020. In the meantime, upcoming months will be the end of many things built in last 180 years. But this time transition will be more radical because the Pluto is here. Again we have huge gathering of planets in Capricorn, apart from Jupiter and Saturn, Pluto is in the mix, currently with Mars, few months ago with Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon and again Eclipses on Cancer/Capricorn axis. Last time communism and Eastern Block was falling apart. This time the very foundations of capitalist society will be shaken in the ways never seen before. I rarely choose to predict catastrophic events but all of us who think this is just a pause in economic progress and growth should stop and think again. Capricorn is symbolically the highest sign. Pluto came here in 2008 and gave us first warning with global economic crisis. We paid little attention, did some adjustments and carried on with old ways. This will be far more extreme pressure on willing or unwilling change. After Capricorn there is no more up, at least in the same way. There is only downwards or through new doors of Aquarius to new levels of existence.

    December conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn is not the beginning of the Age of Aquarius but definitely a prelude of its arrival. It will take at least 40 more years of global change to shape and prepare humanity for this new era. We are now starting accelerated transition period far beyond what conservative science and religion based on narrow mindedness could have predicted. Before the new beginning there must be the end. Humanity will have to evolve, which we were all hoping for but didn’t know how. Is this Coronavirus epidemic just a push or a punishment?

  • Jupiter in Scorpio – passion or obsession?

    Jupiter in Scorpio – passion or obsession?

    How big is your passion and does that passion become an obsession? Where to look for it in natal chart? Try searching in the area of Scorpio, especially the area of life which will be highlighted with the transit of Jupiter through Scorpio between 10th October 2017 and 8th November 2018.  

  • Prenatal Solar Eclipse in Synastry

    Prenatal Solar Eclipse in Synastry

    Primarily we are all children of the father Sun and the mother Moon who find themselves embodied on this Earth to fulfill our personal mission. Some call it destiny or battle between Karma and Dharma, some yearn for the free will, some look for an escape in ecstasy through drugs, alcohol or glamour of endless social activities and “spiritual courses”. What most people vaguely understand, in modern over individualistic society, is that fulfilling of life paths comes accelerated by intense emotional contact with other individuals.   (more…)

  • Mars out of bounds

    Mars out of bounds

    What does it mean to be “out of bounds” for certain planet in astrology? It is relatively easy to present it visually. When we say some planet is in Virgo or Aquarius we give information where it is alongside the ecliptic (left or right from starting point ie. first degree of Aries) but when we say a planet has a declination of, let us say, 7°40′ N it simply means it is above or, for 7°40′ S, below celestial equator. There are many quality articles explaining this phenomena form astronomical and astrological point of view. The question here is, what does it mean to be “out of bounds”?

    To be out of bounds, first someone has to set the bounds. In this case it is the Sun. Sun’s declination can be maximum 23°27′ north or south. The Sun reaches these borders on the first day of winter and summer. Inside this area planets travel with declination below 23°27′ N or S and they stay in the area of influence of his majesty, the one and only, life and light giver. But occasionally someone steps “on the other side”, it has declination more than 23°27′ and we call it “out of bounds” or out of direct influence of sun’s energy.

    To be “on the other side of the imaginary border” can mean a lot of things. It can leave you unprotected, isolated, abandoned or without proper guidance but it can also mean some liberation from authority and freedom to be different and express something unique symbolized by that certain planet. Most of the planets in astrology can be out of bounds, except Sun, Saturn and Neptune. Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars more often than the ones who are further away from the Earth. Sometimes they just step few minutes or a degree on the other side and sometime they reach more than 27° of declination like in case of Mars, which means it has really stepped out of the line.

    Mars is a symbol of energy, creativity, initiative, passion, readiness to go forward. He is a pioneer of new explorations, warrior, the brave one, impulsive one, the one who brings the light of the Sun to every dark corner of our existence.

    Mars stepped out of bounds sometime on 15th May 2017 and it will stay there till 29th June. More than 40 days of possibility for action out of direct control of emperor’s ego. But history teaches us we as an individuals or society in general don’t know how to behave when we have freedom. Uncontrolled Mars can be physically bully, it can manifest through aggression, violence, lack of manners and patience… It can provoke unnecessary conflict or start a huge fire which will devour everything, even the person who started it.

    Just a week after the Mars stepped out of bounds world saw another act of violence in Manchester Arena bombing on 22nd May 2017. Mars was just a half degree out of bounds. When it was close to its maximum declination around 27° we saw terrorism in New York on 11th September 2001, similar like on the 1st September 1939 which is the official start of World War II. Final operation Desert storm in winter of 1991 was happening under Mars out of bounds, and invasion of Iraq started on the last day of its travel outside the borders on 20th March 2003.

    Very rarely we know how to use moments of freedom. Mars out of bounds is the great example of that. This can be profoundly motivational moment to start something new which you were postponing for a long time (especially in the area of your home or family relations – as it is travelling through Gemini and Cancer) or just implode in some act of violence, towards yourself or others.

  • Solar Eclipse February 26th 2017

    Solar Eclipse February 26th 2017

    Upcoming Solar Eclipse on February 26th 2017 is the 29th in the Saros Cycle 140 which started on April 16th (or April 26th by current Gregorian calendar) 1512. It falls on 9th degree of Pisces, the one for which Sabian symbol says…The race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed.

    It will fall between Mercury and Neptune which are also in Pisces so this race will happen somewhere in the vast area of collective imagination and emotions. We are racing towards some end, either personal or more social. In Pisces we rarely start something new, we mostly try or have to try to finish. Will it be reaction to some inner voice which forces us to leave behind old emotions, unfulfilled dreams or yearnings…we have to find out for ourselves.

    Planetary configurations accompanying the Eclipse are deeply complex and challenging. Strong conjunction of Mars and Uranus opposing Jupiter and forming a cardinal T-square with Pluto in Capricorn is a trigger for unnecessary competitiveness. The race doesn’t have to bring humiliation to rivals but few will understand that. Race can inspire even the slowest one in the group to give his best so the one who takes to role of leading jockey can act as a teacher and motivator by his personal example. But rare are the ones who will comprehend that, obsessed with their speed in distancing themselves from imagined rivals, they will collapse in some new illusion which will be just another beginning of the same circle.

    This Solar Saros cycle started in spring of 1512, time of Renaissance and countless power battles. It happened during the peek of Italian Wars marked by numerous territory disputes, alliances and counter alliances of most major states of western Europa as well as Ottoman Empire. It is no wonder that last 3 or even 4 (1945, 1963, 1981 and 1999) Solar eclipses belonging to this cycle are still connected with similar idea which is reflected in most sensitive territory dispute in Europa – Kosovo. How will upcoming eclipse influence the area we will see pretty soon. Natal chart of the first eclipse in 1512 has Mars-Pluto, Venus-Jupiter and Mercury-Uranus conjunctions. Intelligent, explosive, forceful and jovial cycle, with very little self control but Saturn is currently transiting Mars-Pluto conjunction. It can bring stabilisation and focus or it will stress frustration and amplify suppressed rage.

    Who is going to snap, to totally lose it, to be out of control and out of bounds? Maybe some of us will understand that race is more important than beating an imaginary rivals or coming first at non existing finish line.

  • Saturn in Sagittarius – the indicator of educational crisis

    Saturn in Sagittarius – the indicator of educational crisis

    Many critics have been questioning for some time the purpose of contemporary education. The consciousness of the way that the system functions is present with many, but we still blindly believe that the formal education will give us the proper tools which will help us climb up on the social scale. Here comes the Saturn in Sagittarius on the scene. (more…)

  • Uranus and Jupiter – The Square of Courage

    Uranus and Jupiter – The Square of Courage

    First Square happened on August 21st 2013 with retrograde Uranus, the second was on February 26th 2014 with retrograde Jupiter and the third one is before us on April 20th 2014 with both direct planets. Uranus and Jupiter Square is only a part of a big T – square that includes Pluto as well, but it’s very interesting because it connects one more personal planet (Jupiter) with global crises events related to Square Uranus/Pluto. (more…)

  • Jupiter and Pluto in opposition

    Jupiter and Pluto in opposition

    Three opposition of Jupiter and Pluto on axis Cancer/Capricorn was getting closer to its exact position on January 31st 2014 (first on August 7th 2013 and the last on April 20th 2014). With the actual square of Uranus and Pluto, this is by far a more personal aspect that we will be understood more clearly in the context of everyday life. (more…)

  • Conjunction of retrograde Mercury and Neptune or the image of female and male mind

    Conjunction of retrograde Mercury and Neptune or the image of female and male mind

    This Thursday, February 6th 2014, Mercury is moving retrograde, but this time from the almost exact conjunction with Neptune. Degrees from which a certain planet moves retrograde are of great significance for that period because in some way these are sensitive spots of that cycle and they give a deeper explanation of the actual cycle meaning. Mercury retrograde movements tell us about mental harmonization – Retrograde Mercury and science, and this time it will be with a strong Neptune influence. (more…)

  • Conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio

    Conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio

    As of October 8th 2013 till November 26th 2013 there ware three exact conjunctions between Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio, i.e. the last 50 days ware “coloured” by the symbolic of this aspect. The second exact conjunction on October 30th was especially interesting – it created stellium with the Sun, along the North Moon Node and the solar eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd; but it’s not my intention to write about all possible political connotations of these configurations with the inevitable square of Uranus and Pluto that dominates the sky. Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio have a lot more subtle personal potential, especially because in Scorpio there is Mercury South Node on 18°00′.    (more…)