In the period of the ancient Egypt this constellation was rising at the East sky in the nights of May. It was in the period of the year when local dry and warm winds – khamaseens were beginning to blow. Under the condition of such climatic changes and harsh environment scorpions were escaping from the desert and were threatening crops in the fertile valleys along the Nile. Here the Sun was showing its extreme face; it wasn’t giving the life, but burning the soil and bringing plague from the desert depth.
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Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio 2014
Although this is not the last retrograde passing of Saturn through Scorpio, this is the last complete transition that will last between March 2nd and July 20th 2014. Saturn will once again go retrograde in Scorpio for some 40 days in the summer 2015. Its transition in this sign turns again inward with 23° whose symbol says…after having heard an inspired individual deliver his ”sermon on the mount”, crowds are returning home… (more…)
Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio 2013.
Between February 18th 2013 and July 8th 2013 Saturn sets off on its first retrograde journey in Scorpio after entering this sign at the beginning of the last autumn. Potentially very interesting period because Scorpio is related to passions of both the society and individuals, those that throw us in the mud, or rise us to the sky. (more…)
Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn will be in Scorpio between October 5th 2012 and September 18th 2015 with short entrance in Sagittarius and retrograde return between December 23rd 2014 and June 15th 2015. Moments when Saturn is changing sign are of great significance for contemporary man. Some new limits are perceived, the focus of personal interests is shifting to new areas of life starting the period of 2 – 3 years when all problems described by the sign of Scorpio will break out to the surface. (more…)
For insufficiently clear reason, Scorpio is usually perceived as the most negative sign of the Zodiac. Although that interpretation is completely absurd, it describes rather the humankind than the sign itself. Somewhere in course of time, out of complex motives, the symbolism for this phase of the day is little poisonous arthropod that can hardly be connected with the evolution of human spirit. Actually, eagle or phoenix would be the appropriate symbol here… (more…)
12 Signs of the Zodiac
We usually take basic things for granted, not even thinking for a moment whether the fundament of our knowledge is firm and close to us as much as we assume. Very concrete example is the answer to the question: “What is your Sun sign?”Aries, Cancer, Aquarius…What does it exactly mean? (more…)