The question is whether from the practical application of astrology it’s possible to obtain information which astrologers consider implied? Saturn in Scorpio is an excellent test. Does it function in reality? With reference to previous texts – Scorpio, Scorpio, sex and ashes, Saturn in Scorpio and Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio 2013. Key words for Scorpio…
Saturn will be in Scorpio between October 5th 2012 and September 18th 2015 with short entrance in Sagittarius and retrograde return between December 23rd 2014 and June 15th 2015. Moments when Saturn is changing sign are of great significance for contemporary man. Some new limits are perceived, the focus of personal interests is shifting to…
In the mid June 2012 Jupiter entered Gemini where it will remain till June 26th 2013. Traditionally astrology doesn’t consider this sign as the position where its characteristics come to the fore, i.e. it’s contrary to what the Jupiter represents. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and it’s at its best in spacious environment, whereas…
In some ancient times, after the end of the last ice age about 12 000 years ago, the development of modern civilization began. Scientific studies tell us about the period of 100 000 years long winter during which most of the Earth’s northern hemisphere was covered in ice. And then, suddenly, the ice began to…
Do we have wings? Can we freely fly through life and this world as they promised us? Who is grounding us, and who is trying to kick us out of the nest so that the panic of free fall would constrain us to something that we haven’t even imagined we can do?
Given that we live too short to comprehend the global events in the context of the history we tend to view every crisis as the biggest, insurmountable and never seen before. It is presumable that we are developing similar attitude towards the rising prices of petroleum and its products and we are “sure” that something like…
After Pisces there’s no new sign, or some interesting invention that could make these 12 chapters more exciting. There’s no Tiger, Owl, Crocodile…in which we would find better information from those that we’re not happy with or that we haven’t found. We have what we have, and it’s what we set up ourselves.
At the end of Zodiac there’s completion of one process that opens a path to the birth of new individual with the beginning of spring. Symbolic State that reached its peak in Capricorn now faces final decay due to its exaggerated rigidity. The empire is collapsing because of the burst of “new blood” from barbarians that…
In Aquarius we reach the last fixed sign, the sign of the force that is released in the period of Capricorn. The energy created with the beginning of winter solstice in this phase needs to get its concrete purpose. Such release of force can be constructive or destructive.
The period of the longest night, when the nature seems to be in deep sleep, the winter equinox and reorientation in evolution. The night has reached its maximum, the process initiated in Cancer at the moment of summer equinox through creation of family in Capricorn reaches its maximum fulfillment in the form of perfectly organized…