
  • There’s a generally accepted opinion that throughout the most of the history astrology and astronomy were one, or at least twins that have developed together throughout centuries. Up to the moment when the rational mind defeated “superstition and nonsense of the false prophecy”. Separation came gradually through Copernicus heliocentric system and the strengthening of rationalism…

    Astrology and Astronomy
  • Somewhat forgotten, in between Sun eclipse, Uranus and Pluto Square and big stelium at the beginning of Scorpio, there was Venus at the end of Sagittarius. Usually those things that are near we take for granted; that’s also the case with Venus that holds a complex mystery of symbolism and impressively regular motion. 

    Distant Venus
  • The upcoming Mercury retrograde motion between October 21st 2013 and November 10th 2013 is a popular topic among astrologers, especially for listing what „not to do“ and what „to do“ in the next three weeks. Maybe it’s a bit unexpected that scientists also, although unconsciously, participate in upgrading this astrological phenomenon. 

    Retrograde Mercury and science
  • The first information on constellation of Aries is found in the ancient Babylon, but under completely different name. At that time this group of stars was named “Hessian” which symbolically represented the agriculturist or some similar worker.

  • In ancient times (a lot before telescope and other technical achievements) people were observing the sky at night and were slowly realizing the complexity and regularity of its motion. Out of countless stars only some were changing their position. They called them „wandering stars“–planets. They were the best reflection of inconstant existence of the humankind…

  • It is somewhat appropriate, before the end of Sun’s stay in Scorpio, beneath cover of dense fog, to ask the question why this sign has such a negative reputation? Because of the sign itself, or because of our relation to what it presents?

    Scorpio, sex and ashes
  • How to understand the global economic crisis or any other crisis that the individual or humankind is facing throughout the existence? One of the most profound ways is to put it in the context of time, with its origins, causes and consequences.

    Pluto in Capricorn and Global Crisis
  • Maybe this is one of the most complex questions that an average person can ask himself. The possibility to perceive time in continuity is a very abstract concept and very few people dedicate their life to this topic. But it is immensely important for each of us to understand in which period we are. Because…

    To which time do we belong?
  • It’s almost certain that without the topic of love the interest in astrology would be at least the half. It’s a theme that interests us and brings us the biggest joy and as well as depressions. For love we break the limits and do unimaginable compromises whereas our happiness or sadness cannot be measured.

    Love in horoscope, reality or illusion?
  • Between February 18th 2013 and  July 8th 2013 Saturn sets off on its first retrograde journey in Scorpio after entering this sign at the beginning of the last autumn. Potentially very interesting period because Scorpio is related to passions of both the society and individuals, those that throw us in the mud, or rise us to…

    Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio 2013.