There’s a generally accepted opinion that throughout the most of the history astrology and astronomy were one, or at least twins that have developed together throughout centuries. Up to the moment when the rational mind defeated “superstition and nonsense of the false prophecy”. Separation came gradually through Copernicus heliocentric system and the strengthening of rationalism in the 17th century. New cognitions shake up the base of astrological geocentric whereas the society didn’t clearly understand the symbolism in this new perception of solar system.
Before some time one of our rare educated astrologers stated in a TV show: “It seems to me that lately it’s necessary to have less knowledge if you want to be an astrologer”. If we consider the fact that people as Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler ware related to the astrology, then this statement would be certainly correct. Nowadays the majority of those who try to engage in astrology seek information in old mythological stories or old Ptolemy scripts. They observe astrology as a more or less closed system defined still in the ancient time and today our only problem is that the most of the old scripts were destroyed or lost which causes difficulties for understanding of the whole symbolic. I personally don’t consider that studying of medieval and ancient astrologers is bad, but this is where we have the critical issue of the connection between astrology and astronomy. Astronomy definitely advances in its cognitions whereas the approach to the practice of astrology in “traditional way” definitely makes the astrologer regressive.
The answer how to nowadays connect astrology and astronomy is through giving sense. Unfortunately, the education rarely teaches the complete understanding of the time and the existence of humankind. It teaches numbers, data and economical calculations. Only few wonder what was the influence of the heliocentric system on the Renaissance man. After a century of geocentric system where everything evolved around the Earth, it’s a moment for a different point of view, a bigger picture. That picture was later build up with the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Heavenly bodies that were invisible with bare eye, it was possible to see them only with the help of technology. Space flights further broadened horizons, landing on the Moon, Mars, Hubble’s telescope, Voyager 1 – space probe that was launched in the depth of the Universe in 1977 and is still active today, discovery of galaxies, black holes, classification of dwarfish planets, Kupier’s belt… and other numerous discoveries. Astronomy is developing whereas only some astrologers consider that it’s important to include these discoveries in the understanding of heavenly symbolic. Maybe they regard that those events are unimportant for a little man who carries a burden of everyday business and sentimental problems seeking in horoscope the consolation that tomorrow will be better.
Contemporary astrology must give sense to all these discoveries. It must select the important ones and try to explain the new horizon that we see now when it becomes clear that even after Pluto there are heavenly bodies that connect us with Kupier’s belt and after that there is Oort’s cloud from which originate comets whose orbits can last for thousands of years, for example Halle-Bopp’s comet. The fact that most of the planets of solar system lie within just few degrees of flat surface/ecliptic is maybe a simple mathematical conclusion, but all bodies don’t rotate in such a thin belt. Already Pluto showed a big inclination of 17° to the ecliptic. Dwarfish planets from Kupier’s belt such as Eris have even bigger inclination of44°. What we see around us expands very fast and in order to make some sense astrology needs to include these cognition in new studies, but certainly not for the purpose of short term predictions and personal horoscopes because Saturn’s orbit leaves hardly any room for non-integrated individuality. Try to imagine how would you introduce yourself to somebody from the other planet? I am….?
We have just started to discover universe vastness that will inevitably lead us to the new perspective of “the center of our universe” that will in some future transfer from the Sun to the Center of Galaxy. The question is what will be the transition period and consequences on the evolution of humankind. Evolution doesn’t stop there either, because our galaxy also rotates around a certain point.
In the recent interesting interview on BBC veteran astronaut and the commander of Apollo 15 who flew alone in 1971 around the Moon stated:
“There are billions of stars out there – the Milky Way galaxy that we’re in contains billions of stars, not just a few. And there are billions of galaxies out there. So what does that tell you about the Universe? That tells you we just don’t think big enough. To my mind that’s the whole purpose of the space programe, to figure out what that’s all about.”
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